2 Turniere in Tschechien stehen vor der Tür!
Dear discgolf lovers!
I would like to spread an invitation to 2 tournaments in Czech republic in the near future:
1. We would like to invite you to the disc golf tournament, sanctionned as PDGA “C” – KUBOVA HUŤ ULTIMO OPEN, Czech republic, which is taking place on 23rd – 24th August 2014. The tournament is held in a beautiful surrounding of the ski resort KubovaHuť in the National Park of Šumava.
18-hole disc golf course has got the total length of 1307 m.
Baskets: 18x Innova DisCatcher Pro
Tee pads: 18x artificial grass
The turnament is supposed to be played in the categories MPO, FPO, MJ.
3×18 holes + 9 final holes.
Kubova Huť disc golf course is a challenge for all DG players of all the performance categories. The 18-hole course is built in the mountain meadows and in the forest as well, you’ll enjoy playing up the hill and down the hill, but there are also many flat land holes. The varied course will delight you with the pleasant length of 1307 m, which compensates the rough terrain. The advanced players will try to achieve the maximum of birdie, whereas the occasional players make efforts to reach PAR at each hole!
The hole No. 1 tee off is located only a few tens of metres far from the motorway connecting Vimperk and Passau. It takes just under an hour to get to Kubova Huť from the border crossing Železná Ruda or Passau as well.
We’ll inform you about accommodation and boarding facilities soon.
The tournament website with recent events: http://ultimo.cz/blog/kubova-hu%C5%A5-ultimo-open-disc-golf-tournament.
Registration: http://discgolf.cz/index_e.php?id=liga/info
Ski reasort Kubova Huť – http://www.ski-kubovka.com/
Tournament director: www.ultimo.cz
Other information and events: http://ultimo.cz/blog/en
2. The ULTIMO team is glad to invite you to the first DISCGOLF TEAM CHALLENGE CUP 2014!
The tournament in teams and the weekend gathering for discgolfers at the same time in the most beautiful and the biggest course in the Czech republic! We’d like to initiate the first event of its kind ever where the European discgolfers share their experience and pleasure of the game with the others. The tournament provides various types of discgolf games and fun during the whole weekend. Only the OPEN category has been available in the meantime.
The tournament fee is 250 CZK (11 EUR) for one player (750 CZK for 3 team members) and it’s possible to pay in advance or right there as well. There is also footballgolf course in the resort to play in or a lookout tower to visit.
For the registration and detailed information, please see the tournament website: https://sites.google.com/site/dgtcc2014/home